Hi Kens, We are raising funds for some FAIRWAY Families and relatives that have had devastating losses in the massive flooding in LA. We know people that did not have content insurance on their home as it wasn't required. We know a family that is hosting 25 other people and we know families that have been displaced from their homes... If you would like to participate, we are collecting cash donations and turning them into Target/Walmart Gift Cards and sending them to the source in LA to be used as needed for food, clothes and other necessities as they try to rebuild their lives. 100% of every donation is put to use. You can make a cash donation or buy a gift card for Target or Walmart. Today is our last day, you are welcome to call me and make a pledge and we'll cover you until you can stop by. $5.00-$10-$20-$100... Every little bit helps a family. 431-9299 or email me at kenp@fairwaymc.com As always, To Your Success, Ken Pederson |